What: 2 hours of roller skating fun When: Saturday, May 3, 10 AM – Noon Where: Royal City Curling Club, 75 East 6th Avenue, New Westminster Who: You! Why: Because it’s awesome. Well, I was all out of witty skating puns for this week, so Snow Crash would like to invite you for “Olde timey […]
Archive by Author

Join Raw Meat Roller Skating on April 26 from 10 AM to Noon at Royal City Curling Club!
This Saturday, come join Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating at Royal City Curling Club (75 East 6th Avenue in New Westmisnter) from 10 AM to Noon for two hours of roller skating awesome. If you are just a beginner, don’t worry, it won’t take long to get awesome. If you are already awesome, well, you […]
Order your Raw Meat Roller Skating T-Shirts here!
Yay! It’s time for another Raw Meat Vancouver T-Shirt order! Don’t delay1 We’ll be taking pre-orders for our t-shirts until May 11. Visit our shop for all the details.
Raw Meat Roller Skating Returns to RCCC this Saturday, April 19!
Hey, everybody! How are you celebrating the Easter long weekend? Going to Raw Meat Roller Skating at Royal City Curling Club at 10 AM on Saturday Eating chocolate, and going to Raw Meat Roller Skating at Royal City Curling Club at 10 AM on Saturday Eating chocolate, hunting Easter eggs, and going to Raw Meat […]
Raw Meat Roller Skating April 12: Last Day at Thunderbird Until Fall!
Hello, Everybody! Come join us on Saturday, April 12 from 5 to 7 PM for our last session at Thunderbird Community Centre (2311 Cassiar St.) until fall 2014. All levels of roller skater from beginner to expert are welcome. We’ll get you in seawall skating shape in no time. Next week, April 19: new time, […]
Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating April 5: Field Trip to TCRG Home Opener!
Hey, Everybody! There is NO Raw Meat session this Saturday (April 5). Instead, come to Kerrisdale Arena for the season opener of the Terminal City Roller Girls. For tickets and more info, visit: http://www.terminalcityrollergirls.com/ On April 12, join us from 5-7 at Thunderbird Community Centre, 2311 Cassiar St., for two hours of roller skating skills […]
Raw Meat Roller Skating March 29: A Snowy Day in March
The weather this weekend could be sunny, it could be raining, but one thing is for sure: there will be Snow—Snow Crash that is. Expect shenanigans, as well as solid tips on roller skating skills and techniques. Join us on Saturday, March 29 from 5-7 PM at Thunderbird Community Centre, 2311 Cassiar St, for the […]
Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating March 22: Spring has Sprung!
When: 5-7 PM, March 22, 2014 Where: Thunderbird Community Centre, 2311 Cassiar St. What: 2 hours of roller skating drills, thrills and spills Why: To get a jump on spring! How much: $7 Who: Any one who wants to learn to roller skate and have fun Huzzah! It’s spring! To celebrate, we’re going to jump […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating March 15: Beware the Strides of March
Beware! Beware the Strides of March! If you want to develop power and speed as a roller skater, your stance and stride are crucially important. This session, we’ll look at drills that will help you develop the power, strength and agility you’ll need to decimate your 27-in-5 laps. By the end of the session, your […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating March 8: Punchy’s Gonna Knock You Out
Don’t call it a comeback She’s been here for years Rockin her peers and puttin suckas in fear Makin the tears rain down like a mon soon Listen to the bass go boom Explosion overpowerin Over the competition she’s towerin Wreckin shop when she drops that booty that’ll make you call the cops Don’t you […]