Dashing round the track Like a roller derby girl O’er the floor we go, Racing all the way Skates on newbies shine, Barely broken in, What fun it is to skate and sing, A derby song tonight. Oh, wristguards smell, wristguards smell, Stinking all the way, Oh, what fun it is to roll, Like a […]
Archive by Author
Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating Nov. 23: Baby, it’s Cold Outside
But it’s nice and toasty inside the gym at Thunderbird Community Centre, especially once you warm up with stops, falls, jumps, weaving, agility, and all the other skills and drills that will make you a top-notch roller skater. On Saturday, Nov. 23, from 5 to 7 PM, come join us at Raw Meat, where you’ll […]
Raw Meat Roller Skating Nov. 16: November Rain
When: Saturday, November 16, 5-7 PM Where: 2311 Cassiar St., Vancouver What: Two hours of roller skating skills, thrills and drills Who: Roller skaters of all levels welcome Why: Because even if it’s raining, it’s still more fun to be on 8 wheels! How much: $7 Are the grey skies getting you down? Dreaming of […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating Nov. 9: Fall Forward
What: 2 hours of roller skating, roller-derby style Where: Thunderbird Community Centre, 2311 Cassiar St. When: Nov. 9, 5-7PM Why: Because falling down has never been this fun! Who: You! You know you wanna! In derby, as in life, this much is true: you are going to land on your ass a few times. The […]
Raw Meat Roller Skating Nov. 4: Skate Your Snickers Off
Happy Halloween hangover, everybody! After all of the fun, fear and frolic of Halloween, it’s time to get your tootsie rolling with a good sweat session on roller skates. Hold on to your jujubes as we put you through all the roller skating basics, plus a few new tricks. New skater? Worried about being a […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating Oct 26: Three Hour Spooky Skate
Are you afraid of ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night? No? How about Virginia Wolf? No? Pretty brave, aren’t you? How about three hours of sweaty, thigh-burning effort on eight, slippery wheels? Does that scare you a little? It shouldn’t! Come out and play with Raw Meat for our three-hour […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating Oct. 19: Carpe Diem, Roller Skaters!
When: Oct. 19, 5-7 PM Where: 2311 Cassiar St. What: Two hours of roller skating drills and roller derby thrills Who: You, of course! Why: Because you’ve always wanted to roller skate! How much: $7 Have you ever thought, Gee Whizz! It sure would be fun to learn to roller skate? What’s that? You’ve thought […]

Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating Oct. 12: Thanksgiving, with Extra Pie!
Thanksgiving is time to celebrate the bounty of the harvest; give thanks for prosperity and abundance; break bread with friends and loved ones; and find good reasons to get the heck out of the house and away from family before someone gets a good, old fashioned pickaxing. So, this Saturday, come to Raw Meat Roller […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating Oct 5: Pump-kin Up the Jam
What: 2 hours of roller skating skills and roller derby drills When: Oct. 5, 5 PM – 7 PM Where: 2311 Cassiar St., Vancouver (near Rupert Skytrain Station) How much: $7 Who: Women who want to learn to roller skate, learn roller derby skills, and have fun! So, fall has hit with a vengeance. It’s […]

Raw Meat Vancouver Roller Skating Meaty Session Aug. 31: Graduation Day!
Where: Royal City Curling Club When: Aug. 31, 10 AM – Noon What: Two hours of advanced roller skating awesomeness! How much: $12, or $18 if you stay for our 12:30 session as well. This is the last advanced Raw Meat Roller Skating session for 2013. Everyone has made tremendous progress, and looks amazing. For […]