Archive by Author

Raw Meat Meat Session May 4: New Hope

When: Saturday, May, 10 AM– Noon Where: Royal City Curling Club, 75 East 6th Avenue, New Westminster What: 2 hours of advanced roller skating skills, spills and one or two frills Who: Skaters must have passed the Raw Meat skills test or be a current derby league skater to attend this session. How Much: $12 […]

Good bye, Sonia

This has been a very difficult post to write, because no words can adequately address what I’m feeling. Last week, the derby community in Vancouver lost someone very special. Sonia Nazarewich passed away. She was 25. Sonia skated with Raw Meat last summer, and moved on to skate with the Terminal City Roller Girls’ Bad […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating April 13: Field Trip! TCRG Home Opener at Minoru Arena

On Saturday, April 13, come on a little field trip with Raw Meat Roller Skating and attend the Terminal City Roller Girls Roller Derby Season Opener at Minoru Arena in Richmand! The four house teams of the TCRG will battle it out for roller derby dominance. For more information, visit Tickets are $15 in […]

Raw Meat Roller Skating April 6: Level Up!

Here’s a fascinating video on why humans play: Short form: play seems to fulfill all sorts of higher order needs in the more cerebellum-enhanced animals. Also, it’s very fun! So, you should come out and play with Raw Meat Vancouver. We’ll teach you to roller skate and we’ll learn some fun, non-contact roller derby drills. […]